
‘‘We do crewing... Nothing else’’ ADRIATICO-BRIG


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The Adriatico-Brig Maritime Agency has a state license from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine for mediation in the employment of Ukrainian citizens to work abroad.

For nearly 30 years, we have successfully provide assistance to seafarers in getting a job in the courts of foreign shipowners.

Our company provides a full range of services in accordance with national and international legislation.

We prefer stable, reliable owners and invite interested cooperation of highly qualified specialists to work in the sea.

In our activity we are guided by the following:

1. We do not provide our services for any deductions from wages, non-interest bearing, etc.

2. Providing the sailors with all necessary documents in the shortest time.

3. Sailors who have already completed one or more contracts with our company have priority in employment.

4. We strongly promote career development of seafarers.

5.Our goal is to organize quality, so we are forced to say goodbye to seamen which violate the company's policy and defame our name.

Within the framework of competitiveness, we are constantly monitoring the labor market and try to respect the interests of both sides to ensure a decent wage.

We guarantee that confidentiality will be maintained. Always include the contact telephone numbers.

Sincerely collective maritime agency Adriatico-Brig. We are proud of the quality of our service.

Adriatico-Brig © 2021 All rights reserved
